FOAB Information

Thursday 28 May 2020

Special Guest Blogger: George Orwell

I got in early on hating the Soviet Union, i was hating on them back when they were ostensibly our allies, i even wrote 1984 and Animal Farm especially to irk them.
It did confuse a few people who thought i was a Communist myself but i was a Socialist and it was fighting in the Spanish Civil War alongside the Communists which turned me against them. 
During my life i did spend a lot of time in hospitals of different nations, i spent time in a couple of Spanish ones, first for a poisoned hand and then again after being shot in the throat by a sniper after i stupidly stood up in a trench parapet.
I was also hospitalised in Burma after contracting Dengue Fever while serving there as a policeman and then spent a few weeks in a Paris hospital for bad bout of influenza and several British ones for a range of reasons, one being suspected Tuberculosis.
Despite many ailments and having a bullet through my neck, my death can be contributed to a motorcycle trip i took while working as a teacher when i got caught in a downpour which soaked me and i caught a chill that developed into pneumonia and my life was in the balance for a while as my already struggling lungs suffered further damage.
I left teaching and became a journalist, writing for the left wing Tribune and Observer before landing a job at the BBC but i was desk bound due to my ill health and it was then i wrote Animal Farm, an attack on Soviet communism with the Pigs a less than subtle characterisation of the Soviet leadership where everything the ruling pigs do is transparently evil and sinister and by the end of the novel the pigs are indistinguishable from the evil humans they supplanted.
It was a blatant don't trust the Communists but many people who just didn't get it or didn't know my other works took it as an attack on all things left wing which missed the point, especially as i previously wrote The Road to Wigan Pier which was an attack on Capitalism but as that didn't get turned into a cartoon, it was bypassed by many people.
I even wrote a huge article about how amusing i found it that i managed to make the capitalist class pay me several pounds a week for writing books against capitalism and that the only regime i advocate is Socialism but despite being placed under surveillance by the Special Branch for 12 years for being a Communist sympathiser, the wrong understanding of Animal Farm and then 1984 got me crossed off their list.
My dodgy health finally done for me after a boat i was on sunk and gave me another soaking and caused an artery to burst in my severly weakened lungs, killing me but leaving behind a confusing legacy and a book which seems to have been adopted as a manual for some of the regimes who describe themselves as right wing, go figure.

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