FOAB Information

Monday 4 May 2020

Obscene Military Spending

It's pretty ironic that while nations are doing so much to save lives in the global pandemic, they are spending even more on ways to take them as Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s (SIPRI) announced that global defense spending (a misnomer if ever there was one) went up by 3.6% last year to a colossal £1.9 trillion.
Spending by the top five military giants accounted for 62% of the total global expenditure with the United States once again topping the league, spending £732 billion on its military and growing superpower China shelled out £261 billion and for the first time ever, the top three contains two Asian nations with India the third highest spenders who had the third-largest defense budget in 2019 at £71.1 billion overtaking both Russia who spent £65 billion and Saudi Arabia's £69 billion.
The World Bank put the percentage of people living in Poverty around the World at 23% with 9% of them experiencing extreme poverty, the Charity Mercy Corps put the number of people who die from hunger and hunger related diseases at a depressing 9 million every year which makes it even more obscene that almost 2 trillion is spent on weapons.
One of the best speeches was made by American President Dwight Eisenhower who said: 'Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed', okay, so he went on to threatened to nuke China and spent billions on nuclear tests while helping with the dropping of  napalm on the Vietnamese so he was all mouth and trousers but the thought was there.
For the £1.9 trillion spent, we must ask do we feel any safer with bigger and better military weapons or would we all be much better off if that money was being spent improving the lot of their citizens, i think if you asked the 15% in poverty in the USA, the 7% in China, the 68% in India, the 20% in Saudia Arabia or the 14% in Russia you might get a different answer.

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