FOAB Information

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Anthony Eden

I have topped several polls for the worst British Prime Minister in British history and that all comes down to the ill-fated decision in 1956 when i teamed up with the French and Israeli's to invade Egypt and remove Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser and it was all over control of the the Suez Canal.
Of all the nations who balked at a bit of war, and a war in the Middle East at that, it was America who refused to support us which led to me being on the end of a no confidence vote forcing me to resign as Prime Minister on grounds of suspicion of having misled the House of Commons although the 'official' reason was ill health and to be fair i did feel a bit strange throughout my Premiership but i put it down to the dodgy Downing Street chefs.
It was later discovered that due to a recurring stomach complaint, the doctors had been prescribing me amphetamines so when the worst Prime Minister ever debate comes around again remember, i was off my tits for most of it.
It was widely said that i was so bad as Prime Minister that i was unable to organise piss up in a brewery so to prove them wrong i included a chapter in my biography about the time i dragged my cabinet to a local brewery but when we got there we were surrounded by thousands of gallons of beer but nobody thought to bring any glasses to drink it from but up here for thinking and all that, there were hundreds and hundreds of beer bottles so i told everyone to everyone grab a bottle, empty them out we'll have something to drink out of, see not just a pretty face.

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