FOAB Information

Tuesday 5 May 2020

World's Intelligence Questions Trump's Intelligence

Donald Trump is not having a good Covid-19 crisis, he started off dismissing it then moved onto doing something about it weeks too late and then as the body bags from his awful decisions began to pile up, advised ingesting disinfectant so in an attempt to find someone else to blame, he tried the World Health Organisation but quickly discovered he had no support there as the other nations decided that a global health emergency is not the time to have a go at the one organisation whose job it is to fight global health emergencies.
Instead Trump has decided to point at China, where the pandemic started, and blame them for the 70,000 American deaths but instead of pointing out the way China dragged their feet alerting the rest of us about it, a position where Trump would have a strong point, he instead went straight to the crazy of Coronvairus being a result of a Chinese Laboratory experiment.
Saying he had strong evidence to prove his theory, the globes intelligence refused to believe him and said that there is no evidence to substantiate the claims.
Even the mysterious dossier of which Trump spoke of as 'proof' is full of right wing groups and media reports, many from Fox News which are reporting on Trump saying the Chinese created it in a lab which means his proof is the fact that he said it.
When Trump lapdog, Mike Pompeo, repeated the madness that there was 'a significant amount of evidence', the Chinese called him evil and his mumblings were insane and said the Trump administration was 'rushing to shift the blame, cheat votes and suppress China when their own domestic anti-epidemic efforts are a mess'.
A mess which see's Trump's madness cost 70,000 American their lives and sadly that total isn't stopping anytime soon which is why Trump is trying so desperately to get Americans to blame anyone else but him although China releasing this little video mocking him probably won't help matters.

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