FOAB Information

Sunday 28 June 2020

Criticize Israel, Not Jews

At some time this week, Wednesday seems to be the day penciled in, Israel are planning to annex 30% of the occupied West Bank, an action which is being widely condemned everywhere except America where the Donald Trump Government are perfectly okay with it.
I have been boycotting all things Israel for many years now, going out of my way to check the country of origin sticker and if it says Israel, i put it back but some people on the left have a problem with separating Israel and Jews.
On the same side of the coin, Israel and supporters of Israel deliberately conflate the two and equate criticism of Israel with anti-semitism in an attempt to shut down criticism of the Israeli Government's actions when it goes about it evil business against the Palestinians.
If the Netanyahu Government do go ahead with their illegal annexation, going on previous reactions, attacks on Jew's and Jewish property will increase due to the wrongheaded assumption that Israel and being Jewish are the same thing.
Being Jewish does not make you an Israeli as being Roman Catholic does not make you Italian so it disappoints me that some people are incapable of engaging the few brain-cells that they possess and cause mindless violence against an innocent population just because of their religion.
It is much the same ignorance that sees Muslims targeted after Al Queada or Islamic State attacks so be angry, protest, boycott and condemn Israeli actions to anyone who will listen but don't take out your anger on innocent people who are probably as disgusted at Israel as you are if you only bothered to ask.
Let the Israeli supporters shout antisemitism at those of us appalled at Israeli actions towards Palestinians for the past 70 years, criticizing Israel’s aggressive policies, the Palestinian deaths and military occupation does not make anyone antisemitic and supporters of the Palestinians shouldn't be shut down.
It is those defending the repulsive and loathsome Israeli government who are on the wrong side, not us.

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