FOAB Information

Sunday 28 June 2020

Libyan Fallout Continues

Awful news that yet more people have been stabbed and killed in Glasgow following the attack in Reading, both awful events perpetrated by Libyan Asylum seekers.      
Quite rightly both men are being condemned for abhorrent actions but nobody is asking the question why were Libyan's here claiming asylum in the first place?
Simply, and in no way to excuse the evil killers, if Britain under David Cameron, France under Nicolas Sarkozy and America under Barack Obama had not launched the war to carry out regime change in Libya in 2011, it is unlikely that refugees like these two would have come to Britain at all, what they did here was a direct consequence of what we did over there.
It was the Western intervention debacles in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria and the ongoing chaos we created that produced a wave of refugees across the World, a point which is never mentioned conveniently for the British government and therefore many miss the link between the terrorist butchery in our streets with wars fought in far away places.
I can't repeat enough that the actions of these two men, one who was shot dead by police, is their responsibility and should be condemned as such but to wash our hands or not even acknowledge the reasons they were here in the first place is highly disingenuous.

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