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Sunday 27 September 2020

Special Guest Blogger: André the Giant

Wrestling is a manly sport, grown men fighting in skin tight leotards with their bare hands and big thighs! This is macho and not homoerotic at all.
I was one of the earliest big wrestling stars and at 500 pounds,7ft 2in and with size 22 feet, i was always going to be called Andre the Giant.
I suffered from a condition called gigantism which made me grow to an incredible size, aged 12 i was 200lb and 6ft and i couldn't fit on the school bus but my dad knew an Irishman with a truck who would drive me to school. That man was playwright Samuel Beckett who was a writer of some sort and would tell me the same joke about having to get back quick as he was waiting for someone called Godot who i assumed was the gasman or something but i was more interested in talking about cricket on these rides.
Like most wrestlers, i did star in a few films including a few in France but i was best known for playing the giant Fezzik in The Princess Bride but i was also in the Six Million Dollar man and played a Yeti in another film.
One advantage of my immense size was the ability to consume a higher amount of alcohol than anyone else. I held an unofficial record for my ability to drink 156 beers in a single sitting!
Once i drank so much that i passed out in a hotel bar but because of my size, none of the staff could move me, so they simply put a velvet cord around me, a sign to say not to wake me and left me there to sleep it off.
I drank to hide the pain in my body because my day job included getting hit repeatedly with steel chairs so it was either take a bowlful of painkillers for breakfast everyday or drink gallons of beer, i went for the gallons of beer option.
During my time with the WWE i was 15 years undefeated until the new WWE hero Hulk Hogan came onto the scene then i was pushed down the pecking order but i was the first Wrestler in the WWE Hall of Fame.
People who have my condition almost always die young and i was no exception, dying at age 46 while in Paris at my fathers funeral although the massive alcohol binges and spending my days being thrown around and jumped on by large men probably didn't help.

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