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Monday 28 September 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Justin II

Empires have never been the fairest form of government, but things get especially difficult when the ruler of a country isn’t necessarily the most grounded human being. In fact, some of us ruled so disastrously that they have become famous in history for being insane, like me.
Apparently they let pretty much anyone be emperor in my day, because i was nucking futs.
Don't bother try to look up Byzantine on a map, it was part of the Eastern Roman Empire with 26 million people spread across the empire, a little over 12% of the entire world’s population at the time but i kind of lost it to the Persians including Italy and losing most of Italy to Persia, which when you're the emperor of Rome, is dropping the ball pretty badly.
When my Uncle Justinian I was on his death-bed, he named me as heir thinking it would be a safe pair of hands but not only did i make such a mess of things that the Persians invaded, but i was as mad as a bag of frogs.
I would hear voices and start howling and hiding under the bed as i thought monsters were going to get me and the only way to calm me down was to be wheeled around the palace on a mobile throne which i can't lie, was great.
It couldn't have been much fun to be around the palace when i went into full crazy mode, when my servants were rushing around trying to restrain me, i would fight back by biting them, often on the head.
I gave up the throne in favour of my adopted son and retired to a lifetime of being pushed around in my throne and looking at the underside of my bed but the monsters never got me so it worked.

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