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Wednesday 16 September 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Erik the Red

As sure as you can't be a midwife to a fairy, expect wisdom from a fool, or find a well dressed Englishman, it is assumed i was known as Erik the Red due to having red hair but it was more to mine and my families fiery temper.
Originally from Norway, my family and i ended up in Iceland after we were exiled from Denmark when my father killed a man after an argument and while in Iceland i attacked Eyiolf the Foul and killed him and then there was Thorgest the house builder who accepted the crystal cup at the feast offered by the dwarf or how you say nowadays, done a right cowboy job on our house so i killed him also and his sons and a few of his friends.
My son Leif had his mothers temperament, he went to North America and never killed anyone but his sister, Freydis, was certainly a chip off my block.
She followed her brother to North America and became caught up in a battle with the natives and ran through them slaughtering them, even more impressive that she was eight months pregnant at the time.
I did discover Greenland, a land of the frost giants but i wanted to attract settlers so i gave it the pleasant sounding name Greenland because Freezeyourballsoffland just doesn't have the same ring to it so it must have been a shock for those settlers when they found out how much of Greenland is covered in snow and ice.
Being a Viking was pretty cool, especially how we would roam around smiting fools with that massive sword of ours and taking a longboat with 20 of my finest men, heading to where the sun sets and finding a village to pillage, plunder and burn. Good days.
Sadly, by the coming of spring i was no more and ascended to the great halls of Valhalla but my legacy would be Greenland and the advice that to win in a game of life, you have to annihilate everything and everyone in your path in a blind rage which worked for me.

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