FOAB Information

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Joseph McCarthy

Paranoia is a terrible thing. Are you disagreeing with me? There's no point denying it, i know you are. Anyway, you don't have to take my word for it (and we know you don't) because you just have to look at all the Communists who were fired from their jobs and blacklisted from their industries for showing communist sympathies.
I had a list but we didn't get them all, those sneaky SOB's were everywhere and everything in America that has gone wrong was the communists fault but my fellow Americans were too smart to be fooled by Commies and you know what makes a real American?
Not a cowboy hat or enjoying a fine T-bone steak or even going to a baseball game nor is it shooting a gun. It’s something the Reds don't have, our freedom to defend the indefensible.
They hate that we have the freedom to ruin peoples livelihoods with scandalous lies or the freedom to elect a complete dumbass to President but most importantly it's the freedom to go into an oil rich country and tell them how to do things, blindly defending these freedoms is what makes a true patriot.
People say to me Mr McCarthy, what are the warning signs that my son or daughter could be becoming an extreme left wing Communist?
There are a few signs such as if they read complicated literature, have concern for their fellow man, they think for themselves and they like to share or show any doubts about the fairness of our Capitalist system then they should be immediately reported to a policeman because you have a Communist in training on your hands and the nightmare scenario of your child applying for a Democrat Party membership.  
Keep faith though because catch them early enough and in the right's company you can help rid them of any human decency to become a proper right winger. Keep them peeled people, those sneaky red bastards are everywhere!

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