FOAB Information

Saturday 31 October 2020

2021 Has To Be Better Than 2020

It seems that when the end of year rolls around, Coronavirus will feature heavily in all the 2020 reviews but 2021 has to be better as we will be able to see friends and family again, get married, send our children to school and get careers back on track because once we get through Winter and hang a new calendar on our walls, 2021 will bring a vaccine, mass testing and better treatments and everything will be fine? Won't it experts?
Prof Julian Hiscox, from the University of Liverpool thinks we may be back to some semblance of normality by summer but it could take up to five years to get back to 2019 levels which is more optimistic than Prof Mark Woolhouse from the University of Edinburgh who thinks it will be 18 months before things settle down and is closer to a decade to get back to anything like normal.
University College London Professor Christina Pagel thinks cases will only reduce once enough of us have been affected and we could face a third, or even possible fourth wave until that herd immunity level is reached.
It is also being suggested that it may take a few generations of vaccines to stop it altogether with the first ones acting like the flu vaccine and not stop you from catching it and spreading it, just lessening the effects if you do.
According to people who know about these things, 2021 could be another year of face coverings, 20 second hand washes, socially distancing and looking up people's noses during video meetings. Great.

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