FOAB Information

Saturday 31 October 2020

I'll Vote Later

Ever since the Greeks came up with the idea, nations have been stomping around the globe saying to other nations c'mon, try a little democracy! It won't hurt ya. All the cool kids are toppling inherited rule and if gentle persuasion doesn't work, we send in thousands of heavily armed men to force it on them but Democracy is falling out of favour in many places, especially with the younger generations and the Pew Research Center hasd a neat little table which shows just who can be bothered to turn up at a polling station.
The Belgians are as keen as mustard to take the time to elect their leaders with 87% of them doing so, although they face financial penalties as they do in Australia which probably explains why 79% of Australians also put their tinnies down and voted.
The Swedes and Danes are also Democratically inclined with 83% of Swedes and 80% of Danes voting as are the South Koreans (78%), Netherlands (77%) and Israel (76%).
In the U.K., 63% of us stand in drafty church halls clutching a pencil which is more than Greece on 62% and they came up with it but they are equal with the 62% of Canadians but are better than the 61% of Spanish and 58% of the Irish.
The USA has a turnout of 56% putting down their cheeseburgers and guns to cast a vote, Poland 54% and Chile 52% but the award for the most undemocratic democracy goes to Switzerland where only 38% can be arsed to pick their leader.

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