FOAB Information

Friday 30 October 2020

Judaism The religion, Israel The Country

The Labour Party, and Jeremy Corbyn in-particular, are being rightly hauled across the coals for not properly investigating anti-semitism in his party and the Conservative are making hay while the sun shines whilst hoping thinks to asks them about their own forgotten report regarding their rampant Islamophobia in their own party.  
I am not defending Corbyn, if there is any racism in his party he had to investigate it properly but something i see regularly and try to correct when i do, is the way some of the left seem to attack Jews when it is attacking Israel for it's horrific genocide in Palestine. Being Jewish does not make you an Israeli as being Roman Catholic does not make you Italian so boycott Israeli goods or join one of the many demonstrations against Israel but don't take out your anger on innocent people who happen to be of the same religion of those doing the war crimes.
That any criticism of Israel is met by the howling of anti-semitism to try and shut down the argument doesn't do the Jewish community any favours and if anything it waters down their cries when real anti-semitism rears it ugly head but criticizing Israel for it's actions as we criticize Russia, America or Britain if they did the same is not the same as criticizing Jews, nobody went after Christians when George W Bush and Tony Blair were at their warmongering worst and it would have been ridiculous if they had.   
It really isn't hard and the Israel supporters will try and use this to keep it's critics quiet by conflating the two so let the Israeli supporters shout antisemitism at those of us criticizing Israel’s aggressive policies, it is those defending the repulsive and loathsome Israeli government who are on the wrong side, not us, just remember Judaism is the religion, Israel is the country.

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