FOAB Information

Friday 30 October 2020

Things Looking Bleak For Trump

Just when you think Donald Trump couldn't do anything else to embarrass himself anymore, he begins doing that awful dancing to YMCA at the end of his Lets-give-my-supporters-Covid-19 tour of the USA.
Apart from the dancing, he seems to have picked up that Hillary Clinton thing of pointing and mouthing things to people in the crowd and i'm no lip-reader but it's probably, 'thanks for coming, now get tested, and you, and you too'.
Everyone and his dog expects Joe Biden to stay awake long enough to claim the White House next week and the polls have him so far ahead that people are looking up the biggest ever win (1984 – Ronald Reagan 525 to Walter Mondale's 13) and the Poll of Polls has Biden 51% and Trump 43% but that comes with the caveat that the polls got it all wrong last time.
Even if we figure in the margin of error that the polls got it wrong by in 2016, Biden still sweeps Trump aside and parks his backside on the White House sofa but the US Election is all about the electoral college system with each state handing out a differing number of votes so some states are worth more than others.
The big ones to win are California (55 votes), Texas (38), New York (29) and Florida (29) Illinois (20) and Pennsylvania (20) and the current poll of polls has Biden winning in Florida, Pennsylvania, California, Illinois and New York, while Trump only has Texas of the big hitters so even if he only captures there he will improve on Walter Mondale and not be bottom of the list.
All in all it is looking bleak for the orange one but it is not all over until the fat lady sings, or the fat guy dances in Trumps case, because he has one attribute which could yet ensure it is him putting his tiny, iddy biddy hands all over the Bible at the next inauguration, if there was ever one American candidate more likely to cheat and swindle his way to a win, it's him.

1 comment:

  1. I am waiting for your 'Why I'm Voting Trump' post, it should be entertaining.
