FOAB Information

Wednesday 4 November 2020

And The Winner Is...

America can feel the hand of history on it's shoulders, the hands on the pussies belong to Donald Trump obviously but the ones on their shoulders is definitely histories.
Strangely both sides are declaring victory, Trump also claimed electoral fraud which is as predictable as the Chinese now using the chaos to point out what a farce America is.
The Chinese are keen to see a Trump win so he can 'take the U.S. further downhill' as the Chinese state media said whilst showing images of shops that had been boarded up in anticipation of election-related violence and his woeful response to the pandemic, implying that the China is a more responsible nation.
Despite the pollsters being very, very wrong once again, it is expected that Biden will still triumph as they get down to the mail in ballots which seem to be dominated by Biden votes, hence why Trump is so keen to stop the counting so the gun-toting Republicans may have to delay firing celebratory rounds into the sky (or at each other, this is the land of crazy gun laws afterall) for now but the fact that 60 million Americans looked at the self-confessed sex offender Trump, the racist rhetoric, the lies and the 235,000 dead American Coronavirus victims and thought, 'he's the guy for me' means that even if Biden does win as expected, America is not in a good place.

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