FOAB Information

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Lockdown 2.0

Being a designated key worker, i will be out and about during the UK's four week lock-down but i learnt my lesson from the last lock-down and have stocked up on my nicotine, got my hair done and bought Birthday cards for all the people i know whose birthday falls between November 5th and December 2nd although not many people seem to think that we will be stumbling out of our houses into the weak Winter sunlight on 3rd December.
How busy the town centre was this afternoon, it appeared that plenty of other people are stocking up for the next four weeks also but as today's figure show that 25,177 and 492 deaths, it is a case of better late than never but if Boris had paid attention to the scientists six weeks ago when they said it should have happened, we would not be looking at such awful high numbers and looking at the 2nd December date with so much skepticism, i fully expect the R number to still be too high come then and to be lock-down for much longer, over Christmas and beyond but the economics of the lock-down could prove too powerful and pull for the Government, especially as the Christmas period is the busiest time for many in the retail sector.
We can only hope that the lock-down gives the Government to get the Track and Trace working properly and they don't waste the next four weeks so when we do emerge, they are in a better shape to deal with the Coronavirus then they currently are.

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