FOAB Information

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Special Guest Blogger: Girolamo Cardano

Knowing that the only reason you were born was because your mum repeatedly bodged her attempts to abort you isn't the greatest start to life but as it was i was lucky to make it out of childhood at all.
The plague killed my nurse and my three siblings but i survived that with just a few carbuncles on my face and i had a bad bout of dysentery which was a potential killer because this was the apply leeches and mercury era of medical technology.
I also once fell down a flight of stairs while holding a hammer, which became lodged in my forehead and i would later find out that due to one or all of the above incidents, i was impotent although that would obviously ebb and flow because i had three children.
Someone upstairs must have had a plan for me to go to so much effort to keep me alive and I worked as my fathers assistant and inherited his knack of geometry.
I studied medicine and became a doctor but mathematics was always my first love and i published two books, one Liber de Ludo Aleae (Book on Games of Chance) was based on the subject of probability and as a professional gambler it was a subject i knew all about.
I enjoyed dice games, cards, and chess and was able to support myself through gambling winnings so i knew my subject and my books were key in the foundation of probability but i came up with so much more including the Gimbal which is the housing for gyroscopes and i was the first to use negative numbers but my most used invention was the combination lock so in my mind God kept me alive so in future years, cyclists wouldn't get their bicycles nicked.

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