FOAB Information

Thursday 19 November 2020

Another Awful Plan From The Table Of Boris

As stupid plans go, the current Government have come up with some great ones but the Festive plan they are currently mulling over to allow the Christmas Season to approach a bit of normality is up there with the most stupidest.
The whispers are that the Government is looking at relaxing the lock-down rules for 5 days over Christmas, allowing families to mix over this period and then having a severe lock-down in January to make up for it after the SAGE advisors said that it would be 'a grave mistake' and would take 5 days for each day the lock-down is relaxed to make up for the resulting rise in infections.
Downing Street are keen to say that nothing has been decided yet but the Prime Minister has a desire to allow people to be able to see each other at Christmas but epidemiologist Gabriel Scally of Bristol University had a blunt message for Boris Johnson, saying 'There is no point in having a very merry Christmas and then burying friends and relations in January and February'.
The current lock-down is due to end December 2nd and what we learnt from the last lock-down was that infections will rise once again and the lag time of 2-3 weeks between infection and possible hospitalisation means that it will be a trip to Hospital for Christmas for some, a trip which will be the last one for some poor unfortunates.  
The plan seems to be to let infections knowingly go up at the end of December and then we can bring them down again in January which is absurd, the current infection rate in the UK is approximately 24,000 a day with a 1% mortality rate which means over a five day period, that's around 1,200 for whom it will literally be their last ever Christmas.
Yes this Christmas will be rubbish but better a rubbish Christmas for everyone then a good one which is also the last one for many but Boris and his gang have been so awful through the whole pandemic, and i know this is the Government doing the usual ploy of throwing out an idea to see what the reaction is but even they are not that awful i hope. 

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