FOAB Information

Thursday 19 November 2020

Sorry Kids, We Need Bombs

It was only a few short weeks ago that the Government were reusing to cover the cost of free school meals for starving children during the school holidays but they seemed to have found a few quid down the back of the Downing Street sofa because today they announced a £16.5bn rise in the Defence budget.
The optics are not good when you deny food to children but hand billions to the military to buy weapons and when the prime minister was challenged by Labour’s Keir Starmer to explain how the defence announcement would be paid for and was it coming from the aid budget, he gave a typical Boris answer which included lots of ahs, and oo's and erms and then sat down without answering him.
The Treasury have said that they are looking to reduce the overseas aid budget from 0.7% of GDP to 0.5% blaming the economy shrinking in the pandemic and the Home Secretary, Pritti Patel, has said that she wants to link the giving of aid to nations which will benefit the UK, whatever that means.
What with an ongoing recession dragging down the economy and with Brexit about to make things a whole lot worse, that our leaders can still find £16bn to buy weapons to fight wars with is beyond despicable and worth remembering the next time Democracy rolls around and you find yourself in the voting booth.

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