FOAB Information

Sunday 13 December 2020

Biden Slate Not That Clean

With Donald Trump packing away his XXXXL pants and confirming the removal van for January 20th, there is a sense that things will return back to 'normal' but when it comes to America, normal was not that great to start with.
Pre-Trump we had Obama and his Libyan adventures as well as arming the same murderous thugs in Syria that he had previously been fighting and backing the removal of the elected Ukranian leader and before him GW Bush who has a million Iraqi deaths and the Afghanistan debacle on his hands and in the seat before him Bill Clinton who got up to heavens knows what with female interns in the White House and starting wars in the Balkans.
Even before Biden has the keys in his hands and the return to 'normal', the scandals are already landing and it's same place that did so much damage to his immediate predecessor, The Ukraine.
Emails have surfaced which show that Hunter Biden failed to pay taxes on the $400,000 profit he received from Ukrainian energy company Burisma in 2014 where, despite no experience, he joined shortly after the ousting of Ukraine’s president at the time Viktor Yanukovich, with the support of the Biden and the Obama administration.
Federal prosecutors in Delaware have said that they are investigating into Hunter Biden’s financial affairs as well as his dealings with China and the Biden supporters are saying it is a non-story as nobody voted for Hunter Biden and what he does has no connection to his father but if his father's shady actions got him into the position of being able to evade tax, it just shows that rather than America getting a new slate, it is getting one which may be be as mired in filth as the Trump one, but is just as grimy as the ones before him.

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