FOAB Information

Sunday 13 December 2020

No Choice For UK Against EU

With the Government saying that Brexit negotitions are 99% complete, the final 1% is proving difficult to grasp so with the deadline and the devastating thought of crashing out the largest single market on the planet looming, what is the 1% threatening to consign the other 99% of everything else to the rubbish bin.
The first thing is fishing rights where the Government want to limit access to British waters for EU fishermen but they want to continue to sell the extra fish they catch to the EU, presently that 75% of their catch. The EU have said if there is no agreement on access to fishing waters for EU members, then the UK won't get full access to the EU market to sell its fish there.   
The second sticking point is the Level Playing Field, the EU wants the UK to stick closely to EU rules on things like animal rights, workers rights and environmental regulations so they are not able to undercut the EU in the future but the UK say the whole point of Brexit is to move away from EU Rules.
The Third point is who will oversee any deal they do reach, the UK do not want final jurisdiction to go to the European Court of Justice where they feel they will not get a fair hearing.
As Britain exports 51% of it's goods to the EU, with 15% of EU goods coming back the other way, it is Britain that stands to lose the most and with experts stating that Britain would need to make deals with 40 of the richest nations to just break even with what we would lose from the EU (we have currently signed 27 with only Canada and South Africa of the G20 nations), Britain is not in a position of strength in the negotiations.
With the British economy in tatters following the hit from Coronavirus, Britain can not afford not to get a deal with the EU which is why i am hopeful that at the last very second, despite the appalling Johnston bluster about warships in the English Channel, Britain will be signing on the dotted line because even someone as useless as our current Prime Minister is, he will know that the little rain-swept island in the North Sea just cannot afford to do otherwise and his position of Prime Minister will be untenable as the man who flushed Britain's economy down the toilet.

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