FOAB Information

Thursday 7 January 2021

Removing Trump

Donald Trump's Presidency was always going to end with a bloody mess and his actions yesterday, inciting a deadly protest and the storming of the Capitol building to disrupt Congress's formal confirmation of Joe Biden's win, was it.
I'm not sure why it is only now that the Government are trying to decide if they can invoke the 25th Amendment and have him removed immediately as he is 'unable to discharge the powers and duties' due to mental illness although it has been obvious from the very first day that he couldn't be trusted to run a bath let alone run a country.
He came into the Presidency boasting about being a sex offender, defended right wing racists in Charlottesville by saying they were good people, dismissed the Coronavirus pandemic killing his own citizens and sits not so proudly as the nation with the worst death toll, he put forward the idea of injecting bleach as a cure for the virus and has refused to accept the result that he lost the election and that's without all the other mentally retarded stuff he has said and done which would have ended many other Presidential careers.
Whether it is mental illness or just the pathetic actions of a man born into privilege used to getting his own way and throwing a toddlers temper tantrum when he doesn't get it i don't know nor care, it’s just a shock that the rest of the people in power have waited until the last fortnight of his Administration before realising he is mentally unfit to Govern.
Some have said it is too late to impeach him or to remove him and to just wait out the 13 days left until a grown up takes over but that would let him off the hook for inciting the insurrection by his supporters who judging by the pictures, didn't even have the required numbers of brain cells to hide their faces while they rampaged throug the buildings and fought with police.
The Americans once rid themselves of the British Royals because they believed that they didn't need some stupid, unqualified person to automatically lead them just because they were born into wealth and power. As Trump and Bush before him proved, they elect those people now.

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