FOAB Information

Sunday 10 January 2021

What To Do With Excess Vacinnes

The Government website advises us that with the additional 7 million doses of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine it has secured, the UK now has access to a total of 357 million doses of vaccines from 7 different developers, 100m University of Oxford/AstraZeneca, 40m BioNTech/Pfizer, 7m Moderna, 60m Novavax, 60m Valneva vaccine, 60m GSK/Sanofi Pasteur and 30m Janssen vaccine.
Some are still in clinical trials and may yet prove to not be successful so the Government would have done our money on them but of the three approved so far, our fridges and freezers are currently filling with 147 million with a potential other 210 million to come.
With a population of 65 million, and allowing for wholesale take up and two vaccines per person, we will require 130 million so already we have 17 million definitely left on the shelf and potentially 227 million and as far as i understand it they have a shelf life of 6 months so that is a lot of vaccine going spare.
I don't know what the Government plan to do with them, short of giving all Brits 3 double doses each to use it up, the usual practice with excess flu vacinnes is to treat them as hazardous waste and return them in the appropriately sealed containers to the manufacturer for incineration which seems a criminal waste when the World is screaming out for the vaccine.
Due to the timeline of the 6 month expiration date it is doubtful that we would be able to receive it and pass it on to some other nation but surely we can redirect a few tens of million of doses of it to be delivered somewhere else, it would go some way to making up for the nasty crap we did to those places during our appalling empire days.

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