FOAB Information

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Francis Hopkinson

America, it seems, have a few obsessions ranging from making sure we keep guns handily placed around our homes for when the Government oppresses us and a preoccupation for the flag and in America, one of the first History lessons the children hear is about how we kicked the hated British out and then Betsy Ross created the first American flag after telling George  Washington himself that his flag design was a piece of crap and instead sketched a new flag with red and white stripes and a blue field in the corner with five-pointed white stars.
Then Washington, who had better things to do such as dismembering British redcoats left it to her and she created the new flag that you can see being set on fire and stamped on in Middle Eastern markets today.
A nice story except that its a crock of shit because Betsy Ross didn't make the first American Flag, i did!
So who spread the word that wrote me out of history and inserted a little old lady with a sewing kit? The Betsy Ross family that's who and they provided proof in the form of signed affidavits from other of the Betsy Ross family members who swore that she did it and even had a painting made of the alleged meeting with her and Washington. Is that dog-crap or cow-crap i smell? Nope, it's pure bull-crap.
I was a representative of New Jersey and a Declaration signatory and had previously designed a number of seals and logos for the government including the Naval Flag and i have a bit more evidence then my family saying i did it, congressional journals explicitly naming me as the creator of the first flag when the Government came to me and asked me to knock out something with some stars and some stripes on it.
I sent them several designs and as i was a patriot, i said i didn't need paying, just throw some Wine my way and we will call it quits.
My original flag had 13 stripes and 13 pointed stars but more got added over time as more states joined but the little old lady telling the President that his flag design sucked and making up her own is a much better story for witnessing the birth of a new country, Benjamin Franklin's latest chin and Old Glory or how it is known in many Asian nations these days, that pile of smoking ashes over there.

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