FOAB Information

Thursday 22 April 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Wernher von Braun

What i did wasn't brain surgery but it certainly was rocket science and all i wanted to do was develop the means send man to the moon which is what i explained to the Nazi's when they came knocking and they said jah, but as you are aiming rockets at the stars, could you maybe also aim a few towards London and as the Nazi's were not reknown for taking no for an answer, i ended up working as the Technical Director in Germany's rocket development program and developing the V2 rocket.
Due to an oversight in the Treaty of Versailles, rocketry wasn't in it's list of weapons forbidden to Germany so by the time we had the V2 to a usable standard, Germany became the first nation on Earth to fire anything through the stratosphere, reaching a height of 150,000 feet before it plummeted back to Earth on top of some terrified bystanders.
Germany was being surrounded by the Allies, the choice was to either surrender to the Soviets to the right or the Americans and Brits to the left i decided that the Americans would be better to entrust the devastating military power we had built to are they were guided by Christianity and humanity, they would use it for the application of space technology and not for killing people, like pacifists, hippies and spotty faced 16 year old boys, we were making the call of more lovemaking and less war.
The Americans recruited all 1,600 of us NAZI rocket scientists under a program called Operation Paperclip and i explained that all i wanted to do was develop the means send man to the moon which is what i explained to the American's when they came knocking and they said yes, but as you are aiming rockets at the stars, could you also maybe aim a few towards Pyongyang and i was put to work on their intermediate-range ballistic missile program just as the Korean War was starting up.
In the late 1950's, after the Soviets began sending things to the outer limits of the atmosphere including a dog wrapped in a metal chamber, the Americans decided that the Soviets may have beaten them to Space, but they would be the first to the Moon and i was assimilated into Americas brand spanking new space program and worked as the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle that propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon but i held back on my ideas for a Space Station above the Earth as the US military wanted to arm it with missiles So America and the Soviet Union fought it out to become the Space Race winners and both nations can count many firsts to argue their point to who actually won but it was my V-2 which became the granddaddy of every modern rocket design around the world but the first nation to actually launch a rocket into Space was Nazi Germany so every cosmonaut and astronaut that followed can say thanks to Hitler. Danke Adolf.

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