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Monday 5 April 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Jack Johnson

There's a reason why nothing gets your name written into history books quicker than being first at something. Humanity is all about breaking new ground so of course we idolise those who are the first at something with the exception of being the first Black Heavyweight Champion, that didn't go down so well at the time.
Before i became the Galveston Giant, i was a bit of a weedy kid growing up in Texas but i grew up with white boys and my race was never an issue until a local tough began picking on me and i beat the tar out of him which got me an invite to a local boxing league and then invites to Prize Fights and eventually a shot at the World Coloured Heavyweight Championship which i won.
I held the title until i beat Tommy Burns for the World Heavyweight title and became the first black man to be World Heavyweight Champion and then it was noticed that i was black and the white folk had realised they had allowed black folk become too powerful by letting them be successful in sports and having non white skin and that wasn't supposed to happen.
The racism among whites ran so deep that they called for a 'Great White Hope' to set the racial hierarchy back to its natural order with them at the top and take the title away from me 'to stop ignorant blacks misinterpreting his victory as justifying claims that they are physically equal with their white neighbors' as the New York Times helpfully explained.
Great White Hopes came and were carried away again, i hit one guy called Stanley Ketchel so hard that my trainer had to remove his teeth from my glove. True story, his front teeth were actually embedded in my boxing glove.
A former undefeated heavyweight champion, James J. Jeffries, even came out of retirement to challenge me to prove 'that a white man is better than a Negro' although he didn't specify what they were better at but he was certainly better than this negro at spending time on his back with stars spinning around his head.
The more White challengers i knocked out the more tense the racism got and me having a thing for white women really annoyed other white people along with my racing flashy sports cars, traveling the world, rocking gold teeth and a gold handled cane and at one point i got jailed for a year for violating the Mann Act by transporting women across state lines for immoral purposes despite the fact that the incident took place before the Mann Act was passed and the woman in question was my future wife.
I did refuse to fight black opponents because i was being very well paid taking on whatever white challengers they put in front of me but i did lose my title to a cowboy called Jess Willard who knocked me out in the 26th round.
I kept fighting because it gave me a rewarding career maiming others and i knew how to stay fit through running, wrestling, stuffing 20s down panties of foxy strippers and beating the hell out of people in private cellar fights.
I made my last ring appearance at age 67 but the hit i took to the head a year later from a telegraph pole when i drove my car at high speed into it ended it for me so i never improved race relations but my success got the racists frothing at the mouth with rage and i ended up with the front teeth of one of them embedded in my gloves so i'm chalking that up as a win.

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