FOAB Information

Sunday 4 April 2021

Vaccine Passports On The Way Soon

Known for making more U-Turns then a faulty Sat-Nav, Boris Johnson has changed his mind on Covid Passports and is set to announce a system for 'COVID-status certification which could allow people to return to sporting fixtures, theatres and other public events'.
Officials are planning a series of trial events over the coming months as they look to find a way for venues such as sporting events and concerts to reopen without the need for social distancing based on vaccinations, a recent negative test or natural immunity determined on the basis of a positive test taken in the previous six months following similar schemes already being used in Israel and China although some are suspicious about the plan and say they are dangerous and discriminatory.
The sticking point seems to be exemptions for people for whom vaccination is not advised such as pregnant women but polls are showing that the public is more relaxed than politicians about vaccine passports with most people just longing for lock-down to be over and they can start going out again.
Personally, i have no problem with carrying proof that i have been vaccinated if it means we can get back to normal and i agree that nobody should be forced to be vacinnated against their will but my issue is if everything is reopened then what will make those not yet vaccinated get the jab and protect everyone else which will leave the UK vulnerable to a new surge of Covid-19 infections and we are back to square one.
If i am going to be sat on a train or in a cinema in close proximity with a group of other people, i want to know that while doing everything we can to protect ourselves, some thoughtless person hasn't slipped though to potentially start the whole thing up again once we have gone through a year of lock-downs and 126,000 deaths to eradicate it.  
The voices against say that the immunity passports could be used to restrict the rights of people who have refused a Covid-19 vaccine, which to me is the whole point.

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