FOAB Information

Sunday 9 May 2021

Afghan War Really Wasn't Worth It

Although America and it's gullible allies should not have been in Afghanistan in the first place, i was always of the opinion that as they were the ones who blew down the walls to leave the Afghani's exposed in the first place, they then had a moral duty to stick around and keep them safe so after two decades they are finally packing up there bags and heading home so just how safe are they leaving the country they invaded for Democracy?
True, they did oust the Taliban leadership who nobody could argue was a force for good but now they are outside the tent pissing in with their guerilla tactics and the UN said that last year 3,000 civilian deaths and 6,000 injured which is down from a high of 4,000 deaths and 7,000 injured in 2016 but that's the seventh year in a row the death number has topped and that's the numbers when the America forces were 'protecting' them, without that deterrant the numbers are going to soar so we can't look there for successes.
Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, but after the US invasion there was a flurry of International Aid and after the initial boost, things have gone backwards with more than 54% of the population living below the national poverty line, up from 38%.
When the war was being justified, Tony Blair stated that it was partly about women rights and under the Taliban women were not allowed to work and were discouraged from going to school and the number of women working and girls in school has grown in the past two decades so a back-slap for that welcome statistic.
With the Americas out the way, it is expected the Taliban will take back control and so will the return of the harsh Government and the anti-woman laws which did so much damage so Afghanistan will be back in the same place it was in 2001, only with more poverty and more deaths from a Government keen to punish large numbers of it's population.
At a cost of almost 3 trillion dollars, 4,000 coalition deaths and 241,000 civilians deaths, Afghanistan did not become a beacon of democracy and the Afghan will soon be back under a tyrannical Governments rule and are worse off in every other respect.
Nor is the World a safer place so it does make you ask, after 20 years of conflict, if the Afghans are just going to be worse off then when it started, was it all worth it? Hard to say anything but a resounding no.

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