FOAB Information

Sunday 9 May 2021

Get Your Act Together Keir

It doesn't reflect well on the Labour Party that despite knowing what Boris Johnson's Government have been up to over the past couple of years, enough people still chose them over the Labour Party, handing them 11 Councils and Hartlepool.
Considering that the good people of Hartlepool once mistook a monkey for a Frenchman and hung it, it is no real surprise whatever they get up to up there but the fact that the Labour Party ended up worse off in terms of seats then they started amidst a flurry of inquiries into Tory sleaze is mind boggling.
The fall guy, or girl in this case, seems to be Deputy Leader Angela Rayner who has been sacked as national campaign co-ordinator, which is a bit of an own goal as she is probably the most fearsome character in the Labour ranks, and one you would least want to upset especially as many consider she should have been the one with Party Leader after her name although that could go some way to explain why Starmer has decided its all her fault.
So how to explain how after a disastrous Coronavirus response which had left 127,000 dead, an array of inquiries into shady backhand Tory donations, blatantly lying about everything and refusing to answer any questions asked of him, him and his Party wasn't booted up the arse by the electorate and the answer seems to be a bounce from the vaccine roll-out.
Credit must go to Boris for that i agree, the Government got 90% of what it did wrong but getting in early with the vaccines and getting them out quick to the population was absolutely the right thing to do and the election came around just as the feel good factor was springing in the hearts and minds of a people pummeled for the last 13 months, if the election had been a few months ago it would have been very different outcome.
Labour needs to get its act together quickly, 11 years of Conservative rule has not been kind, but if Keir and Labour can't make the argument now that they are a better bet to Govern then the current lot, they may as well pack up and go home because they never will.

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