FOAB Information

Thursday 13 May 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Dr James Barry

Like the stories of a tee-total Australian and generous Scotsman, some tales are just so unbelievable that they are dismissed immediately and my story certainly falls into the unbelievable category.
History has some amazing female medics but i'm not quite clear when all that changed but we have to assume that at some point men realised they had allowed women to become too powerful by letting them be in charge of both stethoscopes and vaginas so women were banned from attending medical school but when i was told to stay home and bake cookies, i said screw that sweetheart.
Born Margaret Ann Bulkley in Ireland, my Uncle James Barry was a member of the Royal Academy and when he died i took his name to enroll in medical college and arrived at Edinburgh Medical School in a long overcoat and 3-inch shoe inserts and a female voice which led to people querying my age not that i was female, at one point they tried to bar me from sitting for my exams on suspicion that i was too young.
I passed the exams and after graduation got a job in the British army, after all, the Napoleonic wars were raging, and the army needed good medical personnel and i healed famous people such as Napoleon's son and his special advisor and i was one of the first to successfully perform a Caesarean section and my fame and skill made me one of the top-ranked doctors and surgeons of the 19th Century.
I was never caught out in my lifetime but i left strict instructions for nobody to inspect my body after i died but after i succumbed to dysentery, one of the nurses thought 'stuff it' and looked anyway and not seeing what she was expected to be seeing between my legs, got the undertaker to confirm that i had been a woman all along and instantly earning me the title of first female doctor in Britain.
Questions have been asked if i was a trendsetting transvestite but the obvious question that nobody asked was how a 5ft tall woman who never took off her overcoat and spoke with such a high pitched voice managed to pull off being the opposite gender in a world full of medical experts.

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