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Wednesday 12 May 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Wladyslaw III Of Poland

I was only 10 years old when my father died and the Cardinals came to me and said right, put down the childish things because your now the King of Poland and i thought that shouldn't be too bad but when i was 16 they came back again and said the Hungarian King had died of something or other nasty so you are now the King of Hungary as well and i thought brill but what they never told me was that Hungary was at war with the rising Ottoman Empire, the same dudes that i had just signed a peace treaty with. Bit awkward then.
My Cardinals explained that we were Christians and the Ottomans were Muslims and therefore big girls blouses who fought like pussies and anyway they were infidels and we were Christian's so any agreement i had with them was not binding and we should go crush them in the name of all things Godly.
As i was 16 and computer games were still 600 years in the future, i got together an army, appointed the famous warrior John Hyundai as commander and went on an anti-Ottoman crusade in Bulgaria.
Me and 500 of my closest heavily armed buddies turned up at the Black Sea to meet the Venetian Fleet as previously arranged to smack around the Muslims a bit but the Venetian's didn't arrive on time but the Ottomans with a few thousand of their own closest heavilly armed buddies did.
Now it might have been prudent to think we are outnumbered three to one here so let's get the hell out of here but my Cardinals have told me we had God on our side, they only had some bloke who lived in a cave so i thought, okay, the big guy has my back in this and led a charge into the massed Ottoman troops.
I don't know where the big man was that day, whether he was far too busy at that particular moment answering prayers, saving British royalty, orchestrating all the Holy Wars in his name or making sure the right athlete won the 100 metres hurdles in future Olympic Games but he certainly wasn't there because the charge started off bad then it got worse in the middle and the less said about the end the better but as it ended with my head on a pike it couldn't be called successful so thank's for nothing God.

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