FOAB Information

Thursday 10 June 2021

Keeping Politics Out Of Football

The Euros are here tomorrow and the England team are already under the cosh from some supporters and that's before the inevitable failure and removal from the competition against the first half decent team we come up against.
In the last two friendlies, England players were booed for the peaceful, anti-racism gesture of 'taking the knee' amidst many splutterings from the booers that they do not have a racist bone in their body but it is about keeping politics out of sport.
They say that nobody wants political messages rammed down their throats, especially not at a Football match even if the message is for young, black footballers to not be greeted by an avalanche of racist tweets after a game and for them to be treated as equal human beings and why oh why can't black people just restrict themselves to opposing racism in ways sanctioned by white people and anyway Boris did a study that proved us Brits are not racist so just shut up and kick the bloody ball.
To be fair, that is par for the course from some knuckle dragging Football supporters, the sort who sing anti-IRA and WW2 songs about the Germans at matches but now the Politicians have piled in with Conservative MP Lee Anderson saying he will boycott England games on the TV all the time the absurd knee taking business continues and national embarrassment Nigel Farage has tweeted something which can be summed as meaning let’s keep politics that i don't agree with out of sport before keeping politics out of sport by tweeting multiple times about the decision to suspend a cricketer for historical, racist tweets.
The Culture Secretary, Oliver Dowden, agreed and said that the Cricket Board had gone 'over the top' suspending the player and even Boris 'watermelon smile' Johnson has refuse to condemn those people booing England footballers who take the knee before matches as did former Brexit MEP Martin Daubney, who has been wetting his pants about the whole taking-the-knee thing and tweeted that he would like to shake the hand of the two English players who did not take the knee in England's friendly with Romania, those two players being IonuĊ£ Nedelcearu and Nicolae Stanciu who as the names indicate, were very much Romanian.
I don't know so much about keeping Politics out of sport, it would be much better if we kept Politicians out of sport or even better, just keep Tory politicians out of everything.

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