FOAB Information

Thursday 10 June 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Anu

You humans are deeply curious beings. 'Why does his happen?' 'How does this work?', you are always boggled by a gazillion questions and one of these is, 'Who created this world?'.
Statistically speaking, eighty-five percent of the total world population worships some kind of God so you can't throw a set of rosary beads without hitting a religion, so the answer to who made all this depends on who you ask but throughout history new religions have nicked the stories from the older ones and tried to pass them off as their own so at some point there must have been a first deity and there was, that would be me and every all powerful God that has followed started from little old Sumerian me or to give me my full title, divine personification of the sky, supreme God, and the original all powerful God.
Today's religions say they are the one true faith but working backwards the Christians nicked their guys from the Romans, who took theirs from the Greeks who borrowed theirs from the Egyptians and we go back all the way through the Babylonians to the Sumerians and the story of Nammu giving birth to me and my sister Ki and us starting up the whole human race thing with Heaven for anyone who behaves themselves but the original heaven was a series of three domes covering the earth and the later religions embellished on that.
In our story i had two sons and one overthrew me by biting off my genitals and populating the Earth with it, a story the Greeks based their story of Uranus being overthrown and castrated by his son Cronos and the Romans changed Uranus to Caelus and Cronos to Saturn but it still ended with a son doing something to castrate a penis.
We also wielded the Tablet of Destinies which were decrees issued by my son on clay tablets with guidance written on them so they were not new when the Christians had Moses clambering down a mountain with his own clay tablets so next time you get into a theological discussion about which religion is the right one, consider that since i put in an appearance 4,000 years ago, there had been nearly 3000 other Gods but you think only yours actually exists and the others are silly made up nonsense?
For some reason you think only yours is real which is the exact same argument the Romans made and the Greeks and the Egyptians and the Babylonians etc etc but all yours came from me and you wouldn't have a God to argue about if some Sumerian hadn't sat there one day and thought, i wonder who created this World and with his vivid imagination started off the whole religion thing.

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