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Tuesday 22 June 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Gouverneur Morris

I may not top any polls of the most famous Founding Fathers but while none of us were saints, i was certainly one of the wildest out of all of us.
I didn’t marry until i was 57 as i was having far too much fun being a bachelor, one romantic escapade costing me my leg after after being hit by a carriage while being chased by a furious husband who had just found out that i was sleeping with his wife. Totally worth it.
Not that i let losing 25% of my limbs stop me and soon i was up and about and found myself in France as the US Minister just as the French Revolution was at its peak and in the Lourve in Paris with a very nubile young lady whose husband was in the next room.
I was not a fan of the Revolution and attempted to rescue Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette from the revolutionaries who would later execute them so reasoning that she wasn't going to have any use for it anymore, bought all of Marie Antoinette's furniture and shipped it back to my home in the Bronx.
I did once chase off a mob of Frenchies attacking my carriage by taking off my wooden leg and threatening to brain them with it but i managed to get out of France and finally settled down from a life of romancing married women and wed my own housekeeper, a woman 22 years my junior who had got pregnant as a teenager by her brother-in-law and had a child who died shortly after birth and although she was tried for murder, she was acquitted.
I was there at the drafting of the new Constitution and chipped in the line 'We the people of the United States' but i had have some big misgivings about my fellow founding fathers, mostly over Slavery.
I did find the line 'All men are created equal' particularly ironic considering that ten of the first twelve American Presidents were slave owners, the first President, George Washington, wouldn't have lied if you asked him how many slaves he held as he was a major slaveholder with 317 which is almost half as many as the third President, Thomas Jefferson, who not only owned over 600, but fathered six children with one.
My death was just as crazy as my life, i had trouble urinating so took a DIY approach to the problem and attempted to clear the blockage by sticking a piece of whalebone down my urinary tract and causing massive internal injuries and an infection but the papers described it as 'a short but distressing illness' which sounds much better than died of a jabbing a bit of bone in the old jap's eye.

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