FOAB Information

Monday 21 June 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Leonarda Emilia

I was a simple farm girl from Queretaro in Mexico at the time of the Franco-Mexican war and our village was over-run by French soldiers and one cute one in-particular and our eyes met across the smoking ruins of a hut and we fell in love.
The war was coming to an end and my little Frenchy soldier boy decided to stay with me and live in our village but the townsfolk were not so keen on living with someone who a few short weeks before was shooting at them so they dragged him to the local Governor who slammed him in jail and sentenced him to face the firing squad.
I pleaded with the Governors to spare him, wrote letters until my hands were sore but to no avail as one morning they took him around the back of the jail, put him against a wall and shot him dead.
Heartbroken and more than a little pissed off, i decided to get back at the society that had taken away my true love by transforming myself into an outlaw vigilante, calling myself 'La Carambada' or 'The Amazing Lady'.
Being bought up on a farm i was an excellent horse rider and was very handy with guns and machete and sought to wreak havoc, starting with the men who ignored my pleads to save my man's life by poisoning governor Benito Zenea and president Benito Suarez.
Through this campaign of vengeance, i became the leader of a crime syndicate, robbing travelers in Queretaro and Guanajuato, but also making a point of killing any government officials when i found them and to make matters even more exhilarating, i would dress in men’s clothing and then after robbing someone, to rub extra salt in my victim's wounds, i would showing some boob, so the victim would come to be shamed by the knowledge he had been beaten by a woman, further breaking their fragile masculine egos.
I became seen as a Robin Hood type figure who robbed the rich, killed the corrupt, and exchanged as much gunfire with government forces than had been fired in the entire war.
After three years in the bandit business, i was tracked down to the state of Guanajuato, where in true bandit fashion a shootout erupted and i was shot five times and died but lasted long enough to drag myself to a nearby Church and confess my story to a nearby priest who seemed only too happy to have the famous boob-flashing vengeance vigilante laying in his Church.

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