FOAB Information

Saturday 31 July 2021

Boris Keeping His Pecker Up

Boris Johnson's Wikipedia page list the amount of children he has as 'at least six' but that will now be at least seven because he may not be very good at most things, but he seems to have a knack for producing offspring.
Strangely the Prime Minster is very good at withdrawing although that is usually from difficult BBC interviews or climate debates and not from his partner because even he doesn't know how many children he has, when an LBC presenter asked him how many children he has and whether he plays a full and proper role in all their lives, he refused to answer and started banging on about Brexit instead.
Maybe the 7+ children are all down to Boris's commitment to reducing his carbon footprint by not wearing rubber condoms but still, baby steps and he’s certainly missed a few of those as he has left other people to deal with/cover up/raise his prodigy.
Really, how he treats his partners and children could be an important clue as to how he might handle other things but with the baby due in December, a basic knowledge of the calendar explains the sudden dash to get married in May.

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