FOAB Information

Saturday 31 July 2021

Don't Bother With The Latin

Latin is to be taught at state schools across England in an effort to counter the subject's reputation as one that is 'elitist' and largely at private schools and i am not against the idea per se, but it is called a dead language for a reason and that reason is nobody speaks it, ergo what's the point?
The amount of languages we do use today is multi, e.g. French, German, Spanish et cetera so any of these versus Latin is a no brainer although no doubt the Governments idea from the de facto Prime Minister is Bona Fide, they are keen on these Impromptu decisions, it is their modus operandi after-all!
Not known for their acumen, prima facie it might seem a good idea to them but if i had my way i would veto this decision as an agenda which includes learning a dead language is wrong, the minimum should be teaching students to speak a living language because that would look so much better on their Curriculum vitae.   
I will offer this advice to the Government Pro bono, no need for any Quid pro quo, but the range of languages currently learnt are fine so no need to change the status quo or learn Latin words verbatim because they will just never be used.

P.S. Obviously the caveat is if you are a smart arsed blogger, then learning enough to show off in a post is totally worth it.

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