FOAB Information

Friday 13 August 2021

A Problem Like Afghanistan

With the Taliban taking over cities with horrific speed, the Defence Secretary said that he did not rule out further military action in Afghanistan, especially as he strongly suspects Al Queada will become a feature in the country.
The Government have convened a COBRA Meeting to discuss what is happening in the country that the UK joined the US in invading in 2001 but from where i am sitting, what we can do is very little.
With two thirds of Afghanistan now in Taliban hands, and the Capital Kabul expected to fall soon, what we have done is send 600 UK troops to help evacuate Britons, America have sent 3000 to do the same which brings to mind the images of the fall of Saigon with the US staff being airlifted from the roof of the embassy.
The whole 20 year misadventure has been a debacle from the beginning, the reasons highly dubious in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and the inability to establish a functioning Democratic Government have allowed the Taliban to just wait it out until the UK and America leave and then pounce to fill the vacuum left behind which they are now doing and rapidly regaining all their losses rendering the conflict pointless.
The options seem to be postpone the withdrawal to stay and protect the nation that we invaded or pull out and leave it to its fate at the hand of a fundamentalist and murderous religious cult.
Neither option is particularly palatable but it is a problem that we caused and it feels the greater of two evils to just wash our hands and wave them goodbye, wishing them luck with a barbaric terrorist group.
The bottom line is it is our mess and we should help clear it up.

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