FOAB Information

Sunday 15 August 2021

Blame Where It's Due For Afghan Debacle

As Afghanistan spirals into a bloody mess, the blame for the whole debacle is being apportioned with Donald Trump getting it from the left for his useless deal which meant he had an agreement with the Taliban to remove American troops who then pulled out of peace talks and just waited for the Americans to leave and the right are throwing abuse at Joe Biden for keeping with the awful Trump plan to pull out the troops.
As the right spit their venom at Biden and the left at Trump, the real architects of what is unfolding on our Television Screens are sitting at home with their feet up, one George W Bush and Tony Blair.  
It was the less than savvy son of the other President George Bush and his poodle Blair who decided to go after the Taliban to force them to hand over Bin Laden in 2001, the same deranged nutters who made the offer that the Taliban would be left in power if they handed him over to the United States and then refused an offer to hand him over to the Pakistan authorities.
They who could not get the backing of the United Nations to attack Afghanistan so with no UN backing, declared it a NATO operation and began bombing Afghanistan.
So everything that has happened between 2001 and now in 2021 was due to the chuckle brothers Bush and Blair who kicked off the whole debacle and as much as i detest Trump and his supporters, i don't blame him or Biden for what is happening today, sure the withdrawal has been messy and ill-thought out and the biggest losers will be the Afghans and the Afghan women especially but every President after Bush inherited the conflict and have dealt with it differently.
Obama actually widened the conflict, Trump bungled the ending of it and Biden has been left with the pieces but did absolutely nothing with them, the British, who were always the junior partner, have to go along with whatever the much more numerical Americans do so have removed themselves also, unable to fight alone without the Americans.
As both Bush and Blair followed up this atrocity with the Iraq War, neither should be left in peace and to our credit, Blair has had to keep his head below the parapet ever since and i don't know what Bush is doing but wherever they are, i hope they are watching a TV screen somewhere and feeling a pang of guilt for what they kicked off, it's doubtful because i don't believe either has the capacity for compassion and empathy but blame where it's due, and that's the couple of warmongering idiots in power in 2001.

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