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Monday 16 August 2021

Special Guest Blogger: King Saint Stephen

I was the last Grand Prince of the Hungarians and the first King of the same Hungarians and the first member of the Royal family to become a Christian but i wasn't the turn the other cheek kind of a guy, i was a more likely to stick a sword through it so when my father died my cousin Koppány and a few thousand of his heavily armed friends tried to take the throne but i said i would fight him to the death for the throne and as it happily turned out it was to his death as i put an axe through his head and quartered his body and place one bit of it at the gates of my Palace.
I was coronated with a crown sent by the Pope himself but as Hungary was a pagan place, the thought of a Christian king didn't go down too well with the locals and i fought many wars with the tribes and chieftains including my Uncle Gyula the Younger who was backed by the Roman Emperor.
I encouraged the spread of Christianity by handing out severe punishments for ignoring it because the church wasn't the gentle and accommodating organization we know and love today, it was be pray to the baby Jesus or arrange for your family to clear up the bits of your head laying on the ground.
During my time i collected Holy relics and had bits of Saint George and Saint Nicholas so it was only right that when i died a bit of me was preserved to be sent on tour.
My body was moved from its tomb in St. Stephen's Basilica and whisked away to the crypt beneath it but when the body was being moved, it was discovered that my right hand was perfectly intact and it was wrenched from my wrist and locked away with the rest of the treasure and the other chopped-off Saints body parts.
Apparently my hand was stolen years later and when the hand was recovered in Romania, the ring i always wore was missing so nobody can be certain if it's actually mine or some lucky peasants because they couldn't find mine as it ended up in the stomach of a hungry pet so the hand they are parading around today could be mine or could be the hand of someone else, because a hungry dog ate the real one but its the thought that counts.

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