FOAB Information

Monday 16 August 2021

All Time Paralympic Medal Table 2021


If you haven't had enough of watching super-fit people run, throw things and swim really fast then you are in luck because the Paralympics is about to start on 24th August.
Just as they did with the other Olympics, they are insisting on calling it the 2020 Olympics despite it being held in 2021 but i am willing to cut Japan some slack because they spent all that money on infrastructure only for Coronavirus to stop any fans entering the arenas.
There have been 15 Paralympics since the first one in 1960 and Great Britain sit second behind the United States in the all time medal table with Germany third.
Once again the Japanese in their wisdom have decided to schedule the events to Japanese time so it will all be happening while most of Europe is asleep but as it is being televised on Channel 4, it will be another case of waking up and checking my phone to see what we have won overnight.

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