FOAB Information

Saturday 21 August 2021

Elon Musk At It Again

Elon Musk has announced the imminent arrival of the Tesla-Bot, a 5ft 8in humanoid robot named Optimus penciled in to be debuted next year which has been designed to eliminate dangerous, repetitive, boring tasks and made from lightweight materials and designed to be 'friendly but also easy to run away from with a movement speed of around five miles per hour'.
At no point did any of the journalists in the room say: 'What? Hang on Musky, why should we want to run away from it?
Musk has previously warned about the dangers of AI, predicting that AI will very soon surpass humans abilities and then 'things will get unstable and weird', and then he himself introduces a humanoid robot capable of unsafe, repetitive or boring tasks like taking over the world or chopping up everyone in the household like vegetables and roasting the human pieces in the cooker.
The machine can carry up to 150 lbs or 10 stone so us humans had better start bulking up because then when it goes rouge and starts acting out the Terminator movie, it wouldn't be able to carry us very far if it catches us slower runners.
Forget the diet humans and start piling the chips onto your plate as it could literally save your life! 

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