FOAB Information

Saturday 21 August 2021

Goodwill Towards Biden Didn't Last Long

We had such high hopes for Joe Biden, mainly because he wasn't the awful human Donald Trump, but things have gone South very quickly for the American President.
Everyone and his dog has said his actions in leaving the Afghans high, dry and murdered in their beds was a grotesque act of abandonment made worse by his dreadful defence of his actions by claiming that nation-building was never a US aim when it went into Afghanistan which was very much not what the architect of the war, George W Bush, said, he called it: 'the ultimate nation-building mission'.
Possibly Joe was sleeping when that was said and he missed it, he always look like has just woken up to me but apart from men armed with RPG's currently shooting people at Kabul airport, he is not finding many people who agree with his actions.
While Biden was placing the blame on previous presidents and Afghan leaders and soldiers, in the UK House of Commons, almost across the board the decision to withdraw was condemned, the Germans called it 'a debacle', China said it was a 'negative move' and even Latvia chimed in calling the American decision chaos and causing additional suffering with only Israel refusing to condemn Biden, instead hoping that as he now has thousands of troops kicking their heels, he may turn them Iran’s way.
As i said previous, Biden can be roundly and quite rightly condemned for his decision to play along with Donald Trumps decision to withdraw troops from the nation they invaded 20 years ago but the finger of blame should be pointed at the President who decided that following 3,000 deaths in New York, Afghanistan should be on the end of the American response in what he called 'The War on Terror'.
This war took in Afghanistan and Iraq, then Obama who not only increased the Afghan Conflict but helped the same people they were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan to victory in Libya and then armed them in Syria.
Donald Trump kept the pot bubbling but for all his pussy grabbing faults, he did not actually start any new wars and although he may not have pulled out of Stormy Daniels, he did set in motion pulling out of Afghanistan and now Joe has stayed awake long enough to actually do it and returned Afghanistan to the exact same place where it was when it all started, with the Taliban Government in control.
Since 2001 America has been shedding allies, credibility and respect as its reputation suffers another blow which China will be keen to exploit and are already making great inroads with their soft-power so this could be seen as yet another step in the fall of the Americans who since 1991 had been the sole super-power and should have made so much with it but instead squandered it spectacularly.

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