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Wednesday 25 August 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Saint Genesius

It is said that the Bible is a humourless book but i don't know, it had Samson in it and he brought the house down.
As you can probably guess by that brilliant intro, i am the patron saint of comedians which is pretty cool considering some of the things some of my fellow Saints are patron of but how i became one is a real thigh slapper.
I had a reputation as one of Rome's greatest comedy actors and my act was mocking the Christians, my joke about all the atheists are lucky God's not real and the difference between Jesus and a picture of Jesus is that it only takes one nail to hang the picture always went down a storm and i was hired by Emperor Diocletian to star in a play that made fun of Christian Baptism and i was there on the stage just about to launch into my joke about a Christian, a pagan and a Jew walk into a tavern when i suddenly felt a huge weight on my chest.
I lay down and above me a bunch of Angels floated down and they were holding a huge book which they said contained all my sins against God and the only way to save my soul was to be baptized straight away which i did, right there and then on the stage in front of Emperor Diocletian.
Being a Christian in 4th Century Rome was about as popular as being a bacon sandwich salesman in Judea and it was safe to say that the Emperor was not too impressed by my conversion and my subsequent refusal to carry on making jokes about Christians therefore laying aside my favourite joke 'What time of day was Adam created? Just a little before Eve'!
Diocletian had me arrested and tortured to force me to renounce my new found faith but i said no and he said that was fine and we went and had a drop of wine at his place and a good laugh about the whole thing- just kidding, he chopped my head off but i had the last laugh because i was made a Saint of comedy.
A few of my acquaintances have asked why i was made the patron saint of comedians when my big act of sainthood was to stop a comedy performance but i point out that Jerry Seinfeld has his own show on the Comedy channel so what's their point.
Well that's my story and i will end with Amen, i could say Awomen but then that's why we have Hymns instead of Hers. Thank you and i'm here for eternity. Is this thing on? Seriously, could you turn this thing on?

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