FOAB Information

Sunday 26 September 2021

Cleaning Up Your Mess Costs

The UN Climate Change Conference (Cop26) takes place in Glasgow in November and Governments of the developed World will pledge billions to help poorer countries much in the same way they agreed to provide £100bn a year to poorer countries to fight climate change in 2009 so that's good, or it would be if they do it because they seem to be offering more when they didn't reach the original target.
A report commissioned by the United Nations and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) concluded the £100bn target has not been met since the pledge was made, the 2016 figure was £58bn, 2017 was £71bn, 2108 £78bn and the 2019 figure was £79bn.
So who of the richest nations is skimping on the cash they promised?
Within the G7 the three countries that have paid their share was Germany, Japan and France with the UK and Canada falling a bit short but the two big tightwads are the United States and Italy.  
Joe Biden announced that he will double the current US Contribution which is a nice considering it was his country that caused, and continue to cause, most of the problems in the first place but the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment said that: '£100bn a year isn't going to do it anymore' which stems from the decades of global Governments doing nothing about it.
Time to pay up developed nations, we need ambitious climate targets and you are going to have to dig deep to clean up the horrific mess you made over the past couple of hundred years.

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