FOAB Information

Sunday 26 September 2021

Racist, Misogynistic And Homophobic Scum

Labour Deputy Prime Minister, Angela Rayner, is being asked to apologise after calling senior Conservative members 'racist, misogynistic and homophobic scum'.
Hang on there Rayner, that's a bit strong because it isn't as if the leader himself said that Muslim women in Burka's looked like letterboxes or that Africans were picanninnies with watermelon smiles or that the problem with Africa is not that we were once in charge, but that we are not in charge any more. Oh, he did.
Okay then, has he ever described women attending a conference as 'hot totty' or that women vote Labour because they are 'naturally fickle' and the way to treat a woman who could be a problem was to 'Just pat her on the bottom and send her on her way'? Hmm..that's right, he did say all that and there was that comment about his magnificent experience at the 2012 Olympics 'watching semi-naked women playing beach volleyball and glistening like wet otters'.
Ok so he may be a racist and a misogynist but has he ever said that he was against the teaching of homosexuality in schools or said same sex marriage was ludicrous and compared it to bestiality and said gay men were 'tank-topped bumboys'. Damn, he did didn't he.
Ok, but are the Conservatives really scum? Show me when they have cut payments to the disabled or applauded when Nurses pay-rise was refused or refused to give food vouchers to poverty stricken school children as they would be given to crack dens and brothels or or cut Universal Benefits or thanked the NHS staff during the pandemic by stiffing them on a promised pay-rise and offering them a pay-rise of 1%, £3.25 a week or spent billions of our tax pounds on handing Covid-19 contracts to their own friends or family?
Seriously? They did all that and the response from one Tory MP to you was to say that someone should plant a bomb in a Labour front bencher's office?
Wow, they really are scum aren't they, actually scum doesn't seem harsh enough. Carry on Angela.

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