FOAB Information

Saturday 4 September 2021

Government Spending Ideological Choices

I am as guilty as anyone for often saying that the NHS is free because it isn't, we pay 20%, 40% or 45% income tax for it but often forgotten is the 12% National Insurance Contributions which everyone who earns above £6,240 a year pays.
Out of your pay packet each month then comes 32% but the whispers are that the Government are about to announce a hike in National Insurance contributions to pay for 'Social Care'.
When the Government made the pledge in their manifesto not to raise tax, everyone took that to mean Income tax but they have the dubious wiggle room of they are not raising taxes, they are raising National Insurance which to everyone is the same thing but obviously not to a Prime Minister who is not on speaking terms with the truth at the best of times.
The result will be more of our money heading into the Government coffers anyway regardless of what name it is taken under but the Government assume that as it is 'for the NHS', people won't complain too much and obviously more money for the NHS is a great cause, but i do have a problem with being taxed for a particular cause.
Once this has been bought in 'for the NHS', what about all the other essential services that have had their budgets slashed such as housing, education and police, they could all quite rightly make an excellent case for a 1% rise in contributions also.
Each year the Government get an amount to spend on what they see fit and any cuts and shortages of funding for our services are purely an ideological choice of the Government, they decide how much the NHS, police and other departments receive from the tax intake, the way it is divided out is down to the ruling Government and the Conservative Government have made the choice to reduce the amount the NHS, police or schools receive and that will continue regardless.
My personal bugbear is the £44.6 billion they spend on defence which doesn't include the £133 billion spent on maintaining our Nuclear Weapons and to to quote Dwight D. Eisenhower 'Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed'.
If the Government decide they can't afford to spend billions on rockets, nuclear submarines and tanks and also spend the money building schools, equipping hospitals, hiring police officers or building houses then they should be deciding which is more important. Spoiler alert: It should never be the war equipment.

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