FOAB Information

Saturday 4 September 2021

Phrase That Could Only Come From America

There are some phrases you hear and you think they could only have come from that country and i heard a quote today from an American doctor that was couldn't have been more American if it came with apple pie, was chewing gum and was wearing a baseball jersey.
The doctor was discussing how the Coronavirus hospitlisations are sky rocketing over there and how full the hospitals were and how the ambulance service across the nation were stretched when he launched this classic Americanism: 'The emergency rooms are so backed up that even gunshot victims were having a hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated'.
With echoes of when Donald Trump suggested drinking bleach may be an effective treatment against the disease (just in case you are wondering, no it isn't) he then went on to explain how the situation got worse after the influential podcaster Joe Rogan announced he had tested positive for Covid and was taking Ivermectin which is an anti-parasitic drug for cattle.
As well as Coronavirus and gunshot wound patients joining the queue outside American hospitals, now there are people who are poisoning themselves by drinking Ivermectin forcing the US Food and Drug Administration and American Medical Association to issue a warning that 'Taking this drug is
dangerous and can cause serious harm including nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, seizures, delirium and death
The final word from the doctor was that: 'People are actually putting themselves in worse conditions than if they’d caught Covid' but he didn't add stop drinking poison but at the very least stop shooting at each other until the crisis eases up.

1 comment:

  1. The way i see it, if you don't like the rest of the world making fun of you when you do stupid stuff, you got three options.

    1. Stop doing stupid stuff.
    2. Carry on doing stupid stuff but tell your doctors not to go on TV stations that are received outside the US and talk about you doing stupid stuff.
    3. Stay the same but accept the fact that the rest of us point and laugh at you when you do stupid stuff and your doctors come on TV to tell the rest of us about it.
