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Saturday 18 September 2021

Special Guest Blogger: St. Joseph of Cupertino

I was not never the brightest kid, my teachers were said to have been totally shocked at just how much more uncleverer i was than the other kids and the Friars said i was too unclever to be a Friar in their Friary but they did give me this great job mucking out the stables. Only one problem, it was a terrible job but i spent years shoveling horse poop about until they said i could join them in the Friary as long as i did nothing and stayed at the back quietly out of sight.
Problem with that was i could fly and would soar above them at functions and wave and they didn't like that, thinking i was showing off but i can't help it if God gave me the power of flying.
I always had a thing with God, when i was a kid he would give me these really vivid visions and my mum said it was because i was born in a stable just like God's boy, him because his mum got caught short while out riding on her donkey but me because my dad died and we got kicked out our home and it was the nearest place with a roof.    
So flying, that's pretty cool right, most Saints would have used their God given powers to heal the sick, feed the hungry or something good but i just soared into the sky and flew over crowds of people like a superhero in a Friars robe.
During a procession on the feast day for St. Francis of Assisi, i was just helping out, walking around like the rest of you humans, when i suddenly became overwhelmed by the spirit and soared into the air, hanging out over the crowd until one of my superiors ordered me to come down.
They said i wasn't flying, but climbing up really high on things and then jumping off and shouting 'look at me, i'm flying' but them and the many eye-witnesses who saw me climb up and jump off things are mistaken, i was actually flying like a penguin or whatever.
The Friars put up with it for a while and then said i was being too disruptive so they put me in a cell and i was forbidden from joining in anywhere where there was people, the words that they said sound passive, but also aggressive. I feel like there should be a term for that.
Some nice men from the Inquisition came to pay me a visit and they took me to another Franciscan friary in the region to watch me fly and they were so impressed that they handed me over to some other Friars who looked after me and let me make my own rye bread which contained something called ergot but i think i was allergic to it because every time I eat more than 8 loaves i'd barf.
God may have made me fly but he didn't stop me from dying but i was made the patron saint of the mentally handicapped which is probably something cool like other people like me who can fly like flying machines or astronauts so every time you look up at the moon, think of me as i will be looking at a moon. Not the same moon, obviously. That's impossible.

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