FOAB Information

Sunday 19 September 2021

Throwing Our Lot In With America Not A Good Idea

Great Britain was once the biggest and baddest empire but now it is just a windblown, rainy island off the coast of Europe but our leaders still fancy that they are one of the main players on the Planet but that stopped a long time ago and once we stupidly withdraw ourselves from the EU, even more so.
With that in mind the Aukus deal with Australia, the UK and the US for nuclear submarines has not gone down well with the French who we royally stitched up and cost them £50bn in lost sales as they had a deal to sell the Australian's French built diesel submarines.
Quite rightly the French have been livid and China, who the submarines are meant to deter, just kinda shrugged it off but it seems the UK has decided that it will throw it's lot in with the Americans despite all that has happened recently.
The States has become a bit of a basket case recently with Donald Trump dragging his obese carcass through 4 years of absurdity and mind numbing stupidity and now Joe Biden who made a big deal of saying that America was back but has so far followed to the letter the awful Trump deal with the Taliban to pull US forces out of Afghanistan and has now annoyed two of the World's major players in China and France who is one of the biggest fish in the EU pond.
As we are now in bed again with America and rather bizarrely Australia (a nation everyone seems to forget about until something happens there), it puts us in a difficult position because of the big boys of US, Russia, China and the EU, the only one we are on friendly terms with is the one in the White House and they would sell their grandmother if it meant a few extra bucks.
A country in Britain's vulnerable position cannot afford to be on bad terms with 3 out of the big 4 and completely in bed with the other one who see us as a fig leaf for their dodgy global deeds so Boris had better get out his best Downing Street notepaper and send a grovelling letter to Beijing, Moscow and Paris as we need them much more than America flogging us their dodgy chicken and beef and asking us to join their ill conceived military adventures.
Over the past few years we have made some terrible decisions here and the tiny island off the coast of Europe cannot afford to be isolated both politically and economically and sorry America but we shouldn't be trusting you to see us alright.

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